NLC Fund Finance Annual Market Update – 2023

In Search of Liquidity

In our annual market update report, the NLC team delves into the intricate dynamics of the Fund Finance market, as it stands at the crossroads of significant macroeconomic shifts and the reverberations of the U.S. regional banking crisis. This past year has been nothing short of transformative, challenging the market’s resilience and testing its strategic adaptability. Yet, amidst these trials, the enduring robustness and innovative spirit of the market have shone brightly.

Our analysis takes a deep dive into the consequential impact of sweeping regulatory changes that are reshaping the landscape. We dissect the emergent role of non-bank lenders, a pivotal development that signifies a seismic shift in the market’s traditional composition. This evolution speaks volumes about the market’s agility in embracing new capital sources, thereby enriching the tapestry of funding avenues available to General Partners.

Moreover, we scrutinize the dynamics of fundraising and investment activities, noting the nuanced impacts of a subdued fundraising environment and a discernible downturn in M&A activities.

As we cast our gaze forward, we anticipate a period of significant evolution. The market is poised to adapt and realign in response to the tightening grip of regulatory demands and the raising influence of non-bank entities. These developments beckon a new era of strategic innovation and partnership, promising to redefine the contours of the Fund Finance landscape.

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