NLC Bolsters its Team with Senior Addition: Robby Koreman

NLC is proud to announce the appointment of Robby Koreman as an Investor Relations Director, further enhancing its team. Robby joins from the Dutch Pension Fund PGB, where he served for 2 years as an Alternative Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and as the Treasury & Rates Team Lead. Before joining PGB, for 7 years Robby […]

NLC Fund Finance Annual Market Update – 2022

During the year we saw the Fund Finance market shift from winding roads to choppy waters. In our annual report we discuss the current mark dynamics including: Lending supply-demand imbalance   The impact of slower fundraising and M&A environment on Fund Finance market   Record demand for continuation vehicle, hybrid and NAV financing solutions   […]

Ian Shanks joins NLC as Senior Advisor

NLC, a leading alternative fund finance lender, is delighted to announce that Ian Shanks has joined the firm as Senior Advisor and Chairman of the Investment Committee. Ian is one of the founding fathers of the Fund Finance market and best known for setting up Bank of Scotland’s (now part of Lloyds Banking Group) fund […]

NLC Fund Finance Market Report – Q2 2022

In our latest quarterly report, the NLC team discusses the performance of the Fund Finance market in the current environment of public markets volatility, inflation and raising rates. The report covers: Fund finance market supply and demand across capital call and NAV loans   Impact of the PE fundraising and M&A activity slowdowns on the […]

Financing solutions for Continuation Vehicles

Financing solution to improve efficiencies for GP-led Continuation Vehicles GP-led secondaries made up half of all secondary transactions in 2021 with the largest growth area being Continuation Vehicles. With macroeconomic market uncertainty and continued market volatility, Continuation Vehicles have become a viable exit route for GPs and their trophy assets. In this report we discuss […]

Capital Call Financing – New Alternative to Traditional Fixed Income

Capital Call Financing is fast growing asset class for institutional investors. The strategy is proving to be very attractive alternative to traditional Investment Grade fixed income due to: Uncorrelated and superior risk-adjusted returns Investment Grade credit rating (A-AA) Protection from rising interest rate and stable valuations Strong downside protection Self-liquidating short-term maturity Attractive return on […]

NLC Fund Finance Market Report – Q1 2022

Fund Finance Q1 2022 has continued as 2021 finished with deal activity at all-time highs driven by very active M&A and Fundraising environment. In our quarterly report which you can request below, we cover current market trends and pricing, and go into more details on: Impact of Russian sanctions across the private capital universe Current […]

NLC – Alternative Fund Finance Lender

No Limit Capital (NLC) is an independent fund finance lender backed by institutional investors focused on providing capital call (subscription) finance solutions. NLC can act bilateral or work alongside existing banking partners to support GPs as they raise larger funds in quicker succession. We focus on 3 key priorities: Large Scale Capacity – financing solutions […]

NLC Founder Neno Raic Featured in PEI

NLC founder Neno spoke with PEI about how No Limit Capital can help GPs achieve more cost efficient financing for their funds. Neno goes on to discuss NLC’s future plans and aspirations. You can find full article in the link – here.    

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